Monday, June 3, 2013

Engine game 3D

engine game.

ngomongin soal engine game banyak banget pastinya, dari mulai yang open source hingga berbayar, 2d hingga 3d dan lainnya. Ada beberapa yang cukup menarik perhatian dan sangat banyak di perbincangkan di industri game. Salah satu engine game 3d yang terkenal adalah engine game besutan dari unreal.
sedikit kata kata yang tersirat dalam engine game ini adalah "Mobile. Magic. Putting the power of unreal engine 3 in the palm of your hands"

sedikit bahasan fitur fitur dari unreal engine:

Unreal Kismet Visual Scripting

Artists and level designers can string together actions, inputs and events in Unreal Kismet to dictate how the world flows and how the player interacts without having to touch a single line of code.

Award-winning Unreal Editor

Unreal Engine 3 offers a fully integrated editing environment through the renowned Unreal Editor. All of the engine’s key tools are accessible through UnrealEd. The Unreal Content Browser makes managing assets like meshes, materials, sounds, and animations easier than ever.

One-click Deployment

Easily deploy your application from the Unreal Editor to your iOS device with only one click. The packaging assitant helps you easily configure your application for deployment.

Mobile Previewer

A fully implemented OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer on PC allows you to preview your content as if it was running on the iOS device, using your mouse to interact with touch-screen controls. This allows you to test iOS gameplay without having to copy it to a device!

UDK Remote

A free download from the App Store, UDK Remote allows you to interact with your iOS device in real time and see the input on the device affect your application currently running on PC. This will greatly reduce iteration time while building your game!

diatas adalah fitur unggulan dari engine game ini. Game mobile juga dapat dibuat dengan engine ini. Masih banyak engine game yang handal seperti cryengine, namun biasanya cryengine digunakan untuk membuat game desktop. engine ini menghasilkan game game keren, seperti halnya crysis, dan crysis 2.

bila anda ingin mencoba silahkan kunjungi link berikut untuk unreal engine dan‎ untuk cryengine

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